We use the fastest shipping services for global deliveries. International shipping is done via FedEx, TNT, ARAMEX, DHL or UPS Express whichever service is fast and available in the respective country. The product usually reaches its global destinations within 7 days. In some cases, the delivery was made on the 4th day itself. Our website provides a tracking number by auto-mail.
Please note that some countries incur Custom Duties or Import Tax on international inbound shipments are as per the law of their land. Customs Duties and Taxes may imply extra in some countries and are not charged by us. These charges may be informed to you by the courier companies before or during deliveries. These charges have to be paid by the consignee at the customs or to the courier delivery company. The shipping charge on the website includes only the courier cost from one destination to another and no duties or International taxes are charged on our website.
For domestic shipping, we use the services of private courier companies DTDC or SPOTON
At pin codes where these companies do not serve, we use the services of the INDIAN SPEEDPOST, since it covers all the rural pin codes. The product usually reaches its domestic destinations within 4-5 working days. Our website provides a tracking number by auto-mail.
Please note that we will send the shipment by private courier companies only if the pin codes are served by them.